The Top Reasons to do a first look on your wedding day - or not!

A couple getting married in Charlotte, North Carolina has their first look in a field of yellow flowers and tall grasses.

This blog covers the top reasons to do a first look on your wedding day. It also has a couple reasons not to, and fun alternatives to first looks!

What is a wedding day "first look"?

A "first look" on your wedding day is simply when you and your partner see each other in your wedding attire, fully dressed up, for the first time.

A couple dressed up on their wedding day has a first look in a bright hallway. The man is blindfolded and they are kissing.

Traditionally, the first look happens as the bride walks down the aisle. But it's 2023, and lots of folks prefer to see their partner for a private moment before the ceremony.

If you're trying to figure out which way is best for you, these are my biggest reasons to do a first look:

Reasons to do a first look

  1. It eases nerves. You get a chance to comfort one another, and check in before your ceremony. Weddings can be a lot to handle, and seeing your partner before your ceremony is a great chance to shake out some of the anxiety together!

  2. You get some “just us” time. Wedding days go by in a flash and most couples feel like they didn’t see their partner as much as they would have liked to on their wedding day. One of the best reasons to have a first look is you can carve out some privacy on your day.

  3. You can get your couples portraits done when your hair, makeup and outfits are still fresh. First looks usually happen right after you’ve gotten ready, so everything is in perfect place. If you do some couples portraits following your first look, you’ll have all that photographed before the eating, dancing and sweating starts!

  4. You can get some family portraits out of the way and cut down on the time that takes later. If you want a small group present for your first look as well, you can get the most important portraits and group photos out of the way then.

A wedding couple stands outside in front of a fountain holding hands during their wedding day first look.

Reasons to not do a first look

  1. You want the first time you see each other to be walking down the aisle.

  2. A first look might interfere with more important wedding traditions. Like above, there may be traditional reasons why you want to see each other for the first time at another point during your day.

  3. You don’t want to worry about retouching up your makeup if you cry. It can be an emotional moment, and if you’re a cryer, it’s worth thinking about your makeup for a moment. If you definitely want to minimize the times you tear up, you may want to save it for the ceremony instead.

Great alternatives to first look photos on your wedding day - a “first touch”

If you’ve decided against the reasons to do a first look, you can still have a fun alternative called a “first touch!” This is when you don’t see each other, but still get to talk, touch hands and interact before your ceremony or walk down the aisle. You get the “first look” benefits of contact, privacy and calming nerves, without actually seeing each other.

  1. One or both of you can be blindfolded so you can hug and chat before your ceremony without seeing each other.

  2. You can exchange letters on either side of a tree, door, or around a building corner. This will allow you to hold hands and talk to one another without seeing each other.

Other types of “first looks” for your wedding day

Another one of the reasons to have a first look on your wedding day is to involve your guests! You can add the below options to a first look with your partner, or do them separately. These alternative first looks are great ways to get emotional reactions from your loved ones.

  • Family first look. Capture a group reaction from your closest family or bridal party! You can set up a mirror in the room so that your photographer can see you from the front and back, as well as your guests’ reactions.

  • Best friend first look. The people who have known you longest may be just as impressed with how well you clean up ;)

  • Mother/father first look. It’s an emotional day for your parents and capturing their reactions to seeing you in your wedding attire for the first time is worth documenting.

  • Children first look. For those who already have children or blended families, it can be really sweet to capture your kids’ reactions to seeing you so dressed up!

Three women are standing embracing and smiling after seeing their friend in her wedding dress for a first look.

Summary: should you have a first look on your wedding day?

The reasons to have a first look are unique and personal to every couple, so you need to decide if you want the first time you see each other to be walking down the aisle or beforehand. From there, you can do all sorts of fun alternatives! 

Overall, I totally recommend doing a first look, as it builds a lot of suspense, captures great emotions and gives you a private moment to the two of you.



The content on this blog was written by Mariah Arianna, copywriter and content blogger for photographers


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