Comfortable outfit idea for an at home newborn shoot: matching pajamas

A young couple stands by a window in their home holding their newborn and toddler for an at home newborn photo session.

Opting for matching pajamas is definitely my favorite outfit idea for an at home newborn shoot!

When you’re prepping for a newborn shoot, the most important thing to consider is comfort. Your newborn is very sensitive, and keeping things low key and familiar is important for a relaxed shoot. 

So here is my case for having your newborn session at home and in pajamas everyone feels cute and cozy in:

Reason #1: Pajamas are comfortable for everyone

It’s much easier to convince your new little family to dress down for a session at home! Compared to other outfit ideas for an at home newborn shoot, everyone will feel themselves. “Dressed up” outfits might feel stiff and awkward, whereas pajamas are made to be soft and relaxing. Both parents, baby and your other kids (if you have any) will feel way more relaxed in PJs at home. It sets a playful and cozy, “lazy Sunday” feel to the shoot that keeps moods much higher for much longer

Your other kids will enjoy the extra play time around the home and your partner will be relieved they don’t have to put on the formal clothes!

Pajamas in a home session feel like real life

A mother sits cross legged on the floor holding her newborn in one arm and holding up her toddler with the other in front of a bookshelf

I believe family and newborn photos should reflect your day to day family dynamic. They should be real life, documented in a way that is fun to see in photos. They should be you.

Therefore, posed shots shouldn’t be the only images in your newborn gallery. Usually, the images that reflect what it really looks and feels like to have a newborn in the house are the ones you’ll love looking back on most. The pile of plushies in the crib, the curious faces of your other kids, bare feet under blankets and everyone cuddling together in bed…those are real life moments in time you won’t get back.

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How this family made their newborn photo session special to them

In order to keep their at home newborn photo session reflective of them, this family did the things they normally do at home together! Their at home newborn session took place around their whole house. They laughed and played on the floor together while their toddler and pets were free to come and go. This not only kept things authentic to at home family life, but also kept the mood up.

If you want ideas on how to make your newborn session special, start with what you love doing as a family most. Maybe you love making breakfast together, arts and crafts or movie nights in. Whatever it is, it will make for cute and candid images that feel like play time and not a photo shoot.

You might also like: How to decide on breastfeeding images in your newborn session

5 More outfit ideas for an at home newborn shoot

Still not sold on matching pajamas? Here are 5 more outfit ideas for an at home newborn shoot that are still comfortable:

  1. Knit sweaters

  2. Outfits from soft, natural fabrics like silk, linen, wool or cotton

  3. All white, off white or beige

  4. Matching neutrals

  5. Matching flannels

Other helpful newborn photo session guides:

A mother cradles her newborn to her nose near a bright window for an at home newborn photoshoot
A family sits in pajamas at home on the floor, smiling at the camera in a silly pose for an at home photo session.

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